Farewell from Alex

After 3 fantastic years, the time has come for our favourite and best looking staff member to move on (his words). In this blog, Alex shares some of his highlights and a LOT of photos of himself...

At the end of 2016, I was looking for a new adventure. After 4 years as a secondary school music teacher and a year running a food truck, I was hoping to find a role where I could work in education, engage with students, and was for a cause I was passionate about. When I saw the position advertised at SADD I thought - this looks perfect. And it was!


I’ve had a fantastic time with you all during the last 3 years. I’ve worked in both Wellington and Auckland with 10 different SADD team members, engaged with schools and students in every region in the North Island, and worked with a plethora of passionate community partners and supporters across the country. I’ve been a Programme Delivery Lead, a Delivery Team Leader, and a Senior Delivery Lead. I’ve run workshops, conferences, social media, and the NLP, and I have so many memories I will treasure forever. Here are some of my highlights!

1: Travel

This role has allowed me to travel all across the North Island in the SADD car. It has been fantastic getting to see students face to face and explore different parts of our country. Special shout-outs to Taranaki and Tauranga - the weather was always beautiful when I got to spend time with you! The Delivery team at SADD are here to help so if you want a visit then let them know. Driving everywhere means getting to see a lot of different city signs, so here’s a montage of some of my favourites.


2: Workshops

The best part of my job was when I got to engage and work with you guys. I’ve run a lot of workshops during my 3 years, and I always left them feeling inspired and energised. Whether they were small groups of 4-6 people or larger groups in Hamilton or New Plymouth, running these workshops has been awesome! If there are ever SADD workshops in your area, make it a priority to get there. There is always lots of free food too!


4:  The National Leadership Programme

I’m passionate about developing young leaders and really believe in young people making a difference in New Zealand. You guys are gonna change the world! I’ve met such awesome people through our NLP, and getting to run the workshops this year and lead the programme was an honour. I’m looking forward to seeing the fantastic work you do in the future and have loved getting to know you all. If you’re Year 12 next year and want to make a difference - you need to apply for this programme.


5: The (extended) SADD team

Everyone who works at SADD or volunteers with our charity feels passionately about our cause and believes strongly in the power of young people. I’ve got to work with some awesome people who I will miss a lot! If you ever have ANY questions about SADD - these guys are here to help. They have a wealth of knowledge and I’ve learnt something from all of them.


Road safety is everyone's responsibility. SADD is passionate about empowering Kiwis to prevent loss on our roads, and with your help and support we will get there. When I think about how far we’ve come in my 3 years here I am full of optimism and excitement for the future. I’ve had heaps of fun with the SADD social media accounts and loved showcasing the fantastic activities that go on around the country. Thanks for making me feel so loved. #yeet

Naku te rourou nau te rourou ka ora ai te iwi

With your basket and my basket the people will live

A message from Alex before he departs SADD for new adventures

We will miss Alex heaps but we are so lucky to have had his contribution to SADD over the past three years and wish him well on his next exciting step.

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SADD Stories..Life after SADD with Alice Kibble


Who’s got next?