Rangatahi hei urungi translates to youth as navigators, and this is the overarching name for SADD/Kaitiaki o Ara's leadership streams.
Giving young people permission to be their own navigators is a large part of SADD's mahi, and providing rangatahi with opportunities to lead, have a voice, and make a difference is very important to us.
We have multiple streams of leadership opportunities that we offer rangatahi involved with SADD/Kaitiaki o Ara, below you will be able to click into each of the different streams to learn more.
National Leadership Programme
The National Leadership Programme (NLP) is an opportunity for students to build their leadership experience and networking skills, work with like-minded youth from around Aotearoa, help develop our vision and plan the future of SADD/Kaitiaki o Ara, represent young people at a national level, and advocate for young people committed to preventing loss on our roads.
National Leaders focus on projects and issues that affect the SADD programme nationally including providing youth input to national programme development, resource and merchandise design, strategic development and more.
Regional Leadership Programme
Piloted in 2021, the Regional Leadership Programme (RLP) is a new yet quickly growing stream of SADD leadership. Regional Leaders work primarily on innovative group and individual projects that benefit SADD/Kaitiaki o Ara groups at a regional level. This includes designing solutions to improve school/community group collaboration and communication, improving tools available to support SADD/Kaitiaki o Ara school leaders and creating tailored resources to contribute to the success of the programme at regional level.
Board of Trustees Youth Representatives
We have a Youth Representative and Deputy Youth Representative on the SADD/Kaitiaki O Ara Board of Trustees. Their role is to bridge the gap between our board and all rangatahi involved with SADD, and to advocate for youth affairs at governance level.
Tayla Hill, Youth Representative 2024
Jordan Kington, Deputy Youth Representative, 2024
Māori Advisory Rōpū
Our Māori advisory team are leading fantastic mahi to extend our reach to rangatahi Māori and incorporate Te Ao Māori into SADD’s kaupapa. We are excited to welcome expressions of interest to join this group and applications are welcome from any year level.
Ma whero ma pango ka oti ai te mahi - With red and black the work will be complete.