We encourage SADD students to be the ‘go to’ people in schools for driver licence questions as well simply helping your peers navigate their way through some challenging new territory. This toolkit enables you to help your peers get on track early and stay on track. SADD wants all young road users and their family/whānau embarking on the driver licensing journey to not just obtain their licence, but also to embed safer road user behaviours into everyday practice on the road.
SADD students know young people and the challenges they face when it comes to the driver licensing journey. There are many barriers that restrict young people from obtaining their license. A 2016 report stated that 84% of young Kiwis admitted breaching their driver license conditions. It also found that 70% of jobs required a driver license, with only 9% of beneficiaries aged 18-24 holding an appropriate license. Having the right level of driver license is a huge asset for job seekers in New Zealand.
This is a living toolkit. We encourage you to regularly check for updates for new resources and activity ideas. Check out the full toolkit below, and scroll further for our specific activity ideas and free resources.
Activity ideas
Get two groups together each with a bucket full of water balloons. Get the question right throw a balloon. Get it wrong, get hit with a balloon. Another great activity for the whole school.
Everyone loves a quiz, so why not organise a Kahoot quiz for students in your school interested in learning to drive and progressing through the driver licence journey!
Place SADD Advisory Notices on the windscreen of cars at school to raise awareness of key road safety issues and to promote safe choices. These can be found in the downloads section.
This is a resource designed to help kiwi drivers navigate the driver licensing journey. The website has an online learning platform with quizzes and games, and even a VR training section!
Get in touch with road safety experts in your area to help you with resources or join in on your activities. Key contacts include the NZ Police, Fire and Emergency, local council and AA Driving Instructors.
Order free posters from our website and put them up around the school! You could also ask to have a permanent display in a busy area that you can regularly update.
Use chalk and cones to give students an opportunity to practice maneuvering roundabouts. Include different scenarios to give students a chance to practice different skills.
Do you know what the fine is for a driving offence? Test your peers with this activity that you can play as a game show, online quiz, or a mix and match activity.
This activity sheet has 4 different resources to help support young people in their journey to gain their restricted licence, as well as ideas for how to use the resources.

Driver Education Package
A toolkit for students
Lessons and courses
The AA Driving School has loads of information and resources to guide you through the driver licensing journey. With a nationwide network of qualified AA driving instructors, it is easy to get that extra support to help you gain experience and confidence behind the wheel.
Along with running activities to encourage and support your peers to get their licence, it is also important to highlight to them the benefits of taking a series of professional lessons. In AA Driving School lessons, the theory you need to learn is incorporated into practical training while you’re in the car. You’ll be supported by a highly qualified instructor and you’ll learn to drive in a modern dual-controlled car - a safe and comfortable way to learn essential skills and gain the necessary confidence and experience in the driver’s seat.
Driving lessons are a smart choice to include in your licensing journey, and we encourage you to check out the AA Driving School who offer lessons, defensive driving courses, an online free road code quiz and online practice tests.