Health & Safety

Remember the 3 P’s when planning an event outside of your school.

Keeping ourselves safe



  • Attend events off site with other people if possible i.e. don’t go alone

  • Share the load – if the event requires set up, make sure there are enough people to help carry and lift tables etc.


  • Plan ahead, know where you’re going, who your on-site contact is and where you can park if you’re driving

  • Allow plenty of time to get there (and back) so you’re not rushing

  • Find out as much about the place you’re going beforehand:

    • Is there lots of traffic, both cars and foot traffic?

    • Is it a safe area?

    • Who else will be there?

  • Know the back-up plan if the event is weather dependent– is there suitable cover/shelter if it is raining or cold? Is there a postponement date?


  • Make sure your parents or a teacher knows when to expect you home or back at school

  • Try and stay in a well-lit and obvious area where you can be easily seen