The Māori Advisory Rōpū is an advisory rōpū that works within Kaitiaki o Ara to enhance māori engagement and develop ways to better align with Te Tiriti o Waitangi.
This rōpū is a result of a national leader Skylah Holmes’ research project in 2019, focusing on māori engagement. The purpose of Skylah’s project was to identify possible barriers that are preventing Kaitiaki o Ara/SADD from connecting with rangatahi Māori. Skylah’s project paved the way for what the māori advisory rōpū is today.
We continue to identify ways in which we can better connect with Māori and weave in more te ao Māori into Kaitiaki o Ara as an organisation.
Meet our 2024 members

Ash Putt-Fallows

Sterling Maxwell

Ebony Stevenson

Emily Kennedy

Ellanez Brown
Applications are now open for students of any year level who are keen to join the Māori Advisory Rōpū
Click here to download an application form.
Established a māori advisory rōpū.
Through collaboration with kaumatua from Northern Iwi - Te Hiku o Te Ika: Ngati Kuri, Te Aupouri, Ngai Takatoa, Ngati Kahu and Te Rarawa. We were gifted our new name Kaitiaki o Ara.
Development of te reo māori road safety resources.
Te reo māori road safety advert.
Formalizing the māori advisory rōpū as a part of Kaitiaki o Ara’s leadership pathways.
Staff learning more tīkanga and reo māori.
Reaching out to kura kaupapa māori/kura a iwi and more māori organisations.
Offering tuakana/teina mentorship within the rōpū.
Unlike the other programmes offered in Rangatahi Hei Urungi this opportunity is open to all Years 9-13 and is based on contributing to group projects.
Our mission is to create better outcomes for māori on our roads in Aotearoa. As a rōpū we aim to support each other, support those we serve and have a safe space to do so