Our Message
SADD empowers young people to make safer and better choices on the road
SADD is a student-led charity with the collective goal of preventing loss on New Zealand roads. The SADD team provide guidance and support using best practice, evidence based, road safety education approaches to influence their peers and wider community to positively promote safe road user behaviours. We encourage whole of community approaches to encourage positive, lifelong road user behaviours and reduce the incidence and severity of harm caused by road trauma. Our point of difference is in offering youth-centred leadership development and behaviour changing opportunities within a road safety context. An emphasis is on good decision making and societal contribution. SADD offers opportunities for students to work collaboratively and build relationships with road safety partners and community groups to develop solutions to achieve our collective goals of reducing harm on our roads and improved wellbeing outcomes for our rangatahi.
Still an issue
Deaths in crashes involving young drivers with primary responsibility since 2010
Road trauma is the greatest cause of harm for 16 to 24 year olds in NZ and has long lasting effects in our communities.
Road trauma does not just effect drivers, it also includes pedestrians, cyclists, scooter riders, and other road user activities. The most common crash factors are distractions, alcohol and speed.
The most dangerous time for young drivers is the initial six
months after they get their restricted licence and are driving
soloDrivers on restricted licence are 7x more likely to be
involved in a fatal or serious injury crash than other drivers.Young drivers make up only 7% of drivers, but 14% of
crashes78% of young drivers in fatal crashes are male
Road death is the second most common cause of death for young New Zealand men after suicide.
Our Goal
Empower young kiwis to lead and inspire positive road user behaviours by creating leaders, innovators and change-makers in their school and communities
Promote positive activities for all road users that contribute to a Safe System
Contribute to injury prevention initiatives
Students are active participants and citizens, creating a strong and civil society
Enhancing leadership opportunities to become youth agents for change.
Contributing towards collective wellbeing outcomes
What Does Success Look Like?
Keeping our young people alive on our roads
Putting students at the centre of teaching and learning
Community & Participation – collaborating for road safety
Creating connected, actively involved and lifelong learners
Enhancing opportunities for young people to succeed and improve wellbeing outcomes.