How to get involved

  • Sign up for your RSW action pack

    You can find more information and how to participate in the Road Safety Week here, and register to receive your Road Safety Action pack..

  • Work with Partners

    Partnerships are a great way to raise awareness. There are so many ways to get involved in this RSW, some of your local community partners may also be getting involved so reaching out to them could be a good idea. Get in touch with potential partners to find out if, and how they can help.

  • Shout out for a road safety hero

    Everyone can be a Road Safety Hero. Use this Road Safety Week to acknowledge anyone who is working to make our roads safer. This could be the school crossing patrol, your school bus driver or someone who helped you getting home safely. Celebrate the people who really make a difference to YOU.

Here are some activities you can do for RSW

  • Go Yellow Day

    Choose any day between Monday and Thursday of RSW to dress up in yellow and take a photo of your group/students at your school. Send the pictures to by Thursday, May 18th at 5 pm.

  • Run an activity

    This could be a great opportunity to run a fun activity at your school. You can run a very simple obstacle course such as ‘Focus or Fail’ or ‘A Roundabout Way’. Another option could be to get creative and create some posters specifically for Road Safety Week and hang them all around your school. Make it fit to your schedule. Anything to raise awareness is a great initiative.

  • Post a social media clip or picture

    Tell us who your Road Safety Hero is, why you think they are a hero, and maybe even post it on your social media, or send it to us to share on ours! You can either choose to do a little video clip or post a picture. Don’t forget to tag @SADDnz in it.