Darfield High School joins Christchurch Police checkpoint

The team from Christchurch Road Policing invited SADD students from Darfield High School to take part in a Police checkpoint during SAFER September. The students got to see how the road policing team works, hear about some of the strategies behind checkpoints and ask the police questions. As part of their role, they handed out chocolates and SADD conversation cards to everyone who was driving sober, as a thank-you for keeping our roads safe. It was a fun and informative evening, big thanks to Ben from Canterbury Road Policing for organizing it.

"The checkpoint we did with the NZ Police was a really fun experience and adventure, being able to get an inside look into what it's like, and what happens, as well as the number of resources it takes to operate a checkpoint. And how times change, from (Police) staying in one place, to moving around every 30 minutes due to social media. It was definitely a really good insight, and I would recommend it to anyone.

I definitely enjoyed being able to see the happy faces of drivers when we gave them a little chocolate for choosing to drive safely. It definitely made a difference in the mood. It was definitely an amazing experience and urge everyone to give it a go if you can, there's a lot of insight into drivers and the Police." Levi Turpin - Darfield High


Youth Road Safety Forum