Reflecting on 2020 at our end of year hui

The SADD team held our end of year hui in Wellington, where we reflected on how the year has gone, did we achieve our objectives, what were our key achievements, what difference did we make, how can we improve, planning for 2021.

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We started the year with a clear plan in place to achieve our vision – Empowering young Kiwis to prevent loss on our roads. Together. We had great media coverage – attending the AM Show discussing the dangers of drink driving.


Also, we were all set to head off to Rarotonga to help set up a student-led road safety group there, our yr13 NLs were rearing to go to led road safety in their communities, conference plans were well under way and then Covid-19 had other plans for us all!

Sadly, we had to cancel our remaining workshops and annual SADD conferences. We adapted quickly and repurposed our principles to focus on well-being and how we can get through this together. We designed new channels for communication and delivery.


Slowly we were able to get back to engaging face to face and participating in limited activities across the country. Understandably priorities had changed for all and some SADD groups were unable to deliver their planned activities.

We discussed the highlights from our National Leaders Programme and were so impressed by the effort our NLs put into continuing to lead road safety activities in their communities.


We reminisced about when the NLs chatted to Ministers over Zoom.


And counted up the many articles our NLs produced for media – here’s just a few of them….


Our National Leaders attended leadership events in July and October:

We were so impressed by the amount of activities that SADD groups around the country did manage to run.

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We made plans for 2021 – exciting times ahead, workshops, conference, campaigns, events ….


We also worked on our collaboration matrix and were amazed at how many fantastic organisations we work with to make a collective impact on building a road safety culture.

We made a few new connections:

- Leigh from CATE (Career and Transition Education Association)


- Nathan from Attitude

and strengthened many existing partnerships:

- Rick from SADD US


- Roly, Gabrielle and Caroline from NZP Youth team


Then a major milestone for SADD strengthening our partnership with NZ Police by signing our Letter of Agreement (read more


And catching up with the Commissioner for Police Andrew Coster for a cuppa at Police National Headquarters


All in all, a very productive hui and a great opportunity to reflect on what a year 2020 was. Bring on 2021!


Welcome back to 2021 with Lydia


Celebrating SADD and NZ Police partnership