Welcome back to 2021 with Lydia

It’s 2021 and we are getting back into the school year, which means that SADD is on the wind-up! If you’re like me, I imagine you might be feeling excited for the possibilities of the year and hopeful that it will be better than last year, but also a little apprehensive about how it all might go! 

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I’m sure you’ve sorted all your stationery shopping and are getting back into some sort of morning routine, the first few alarms are the worst! I think the best thing about February is that you can go to the beach after school (unless you live in Southland 😂). 

I know we have said this many times, but last year the SADD team and our community partners were so impressed with how young people all over the country adapted and made things work. We are so proud of all the conversations and activities bringing positive road safety messages that went out to 1000’s of young people.

Let’s get to this year though, I reckon we can build on last year and see more young people engage with road safety and making great decisions on the roads. I think young people are the ones to help lead these conversations in our country so…..

Here are my 7 tips for getting involved successfully with SADD this year! 

  • Be stoked with the work you do this year! You can be proud that you’re contributing to a great cause and when a SADD student/group is passionate it really shows, and your peers will take note.

  • Have heaps of fun, mix things up and try different activities and events. Especially  if you have been around for a while!

  • Get along to all the SADD events that you can, like workshops and conference! These seriously help (we have that confirmed by many many young people). Even just for the reason that you get to chat with other young people doing similar stuff. 

  • On that note...reach out to the Delivery Team for help or ideas. It is literally our job to support and empower you, so definitely make the most of that opportunity. 

  • Make really good plans, be organised...but also be prepared to be adaptable and creative. We don’t really know how this year will look which doesn’t mean we shouldn't make plans (cause that would be lame), but we just need to think about having back-up ideas too. Our SADD team will be doing the same thing! 

  • Make 2021 the year that you get your voice out there. Write a blog, record a podcast, make a video. Part of our kaupapa at SADD is to lift up young people's voices and thoughts about road safety, and we love to share your content so get creating. 

  • My last tip is to be a great role model and walk the talk... make sure that you are making safe choices on the roads. Firstly so that you make it home safe, but secondly because you never know who is looking up to you!

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Our SADD Delivery Team will be on the road running workshops and visiting schools soon, so we will see you there! Term One is all about building momentum, starting conversations and getting your SADD group built up. Can’t wait to see what you all get up to, and all the best for starting up the school year!



6 reasons why attending a SADD workshop is a great decision you can make this term


Reflecting on 2020 at our end of year hui