Farewelling our Yr 13 Regional and National Leaders
Today’s blog is all about saying a massive thankyou and goodbye to our Yr 13 Regional and National Leaders. They have been amazing to work with over the last 18 months, and we will miss them alot as they move on.
National Leaders
Regional Leaders with Roger
Regional Leaders - Some words from Roger
Back in 2021, we realised we had an opportunity to try something new. We had a large number of quality applicants for National Leader positions - more than the 12 places available. I was given names and a bit of a free hand to explore the opportunities coming from a group of remote Regional Leaders.
Together, we explored the potential for such a group. As a piece of work, we collectively considered what a structure and mechanism would look like for students, across the country, to connect and convert words into action. This particular leader stream has been extended beyond 2022 and the group work is nearly complete. The thinking that came out of this group also helped specify the overarching purpose of both the National Leaders (strategic support) and Regional Leaders (operational support).
On a personal note, I want to thank the original pathfinding cohort of Regional Leaders for their dedication, understanding, and patience on what was a very unknown journey. We simply didn’t know how it would go. The fact that Regional Leaders will continue as a stream and we have some great building blocks to use is a testament to their achievement. Their help in identifying real and meaningful group purpose was critical. They aced that and it was a pleasure to work alongside them.
National Leaders - Some words from Lydia
Working alongside our National Leaders is always a highlight for me. Getting 12 young leaders together to have input into SADD/Kaitiaki o Ara as an organisation is amazing. Then seeing them over time develop their skills, projects, and SADD groups is so inspiring. This year’s Yr 13’s have contributed so well; they’ve run activities and events in their schools, made content for social media, attended our NLP events, been involved with various SADD workshops, worked on individual projects, written blogs, done research, given essential input and feedback to SADD on a national and organisational level, filmed content for our website, attended local council meetings, and so much more.
All of their work contributes to SADD being a youth-led programme that develops young leaders nationwide and ultimately makes our roads safer.
We could not be prouder of you all and are excited to see where you all head in life. Some of our National Leaders will stay involved with Kaitiaki o Ara in some capacity next year, but we want to acknowledge your time with us and your commitment as we officially finish up your time as a National Leader. Thank you for all your contributions over the last 18 months as National Leaders, it has been heaps of fun working with you all. Seeing you all develop your own voice and leadership skills has been great, as mentioned before, having rangatahi.
We know that with covid, the last 18 months have been very up-and-down, you have missed out on some things, had to be flexible, change plans, and adapt a lot. It says a lot about your character that you stayed at it and continued to be involved as leaders in your community through it all.
All the best for the future, stay in touch, and one last thank you!