It’s workshop time!

Are you interested in getting involved with SADD this year? Or maybe you already are involved… either way, a SADD Term 1 workshop is for you! 

The goal of our Term 1 workshops is to make sure that all young people that either want to be involved with SADD, or already are, can attend a workshop and leave having all the key information they need to get going with the SADD programme in their schools and communities. Our Delivery team always aims to make them fun, empowering, and engaging. You will also ideally get to meet some students from other schools that are involved. 

Our Delivery Team are really excited to be getting back into things for the year and meeting up with all of you amazing young leaders, we want to support you to be successful in making a difference in the road safety space. After all that is SADD’s mission; Empowering young kiwis to prevent loss on our roads. Together!

We are also aware that things do feel a little uncertain around the impacts of Covid, and this can be a little unsettling. With all the uncertainty hanging around, we want to make sure we are communicating well with all of those involved. 

We do not want to just cancel any possibility of Term 1 workshops, as they are the key to getting off to a good start. We think that having a cause to get involved with like SADD is a really positive thing, especially during these uncertain times. We get regular feedback from young people that being involved with SADD has been such a fun and positive experience, and we think that might be just what we all need right now.

Our Delivery Team are making plans for workshops and school visits that will run throughout March, we will be running a mixture of in-person and online workshops, depending on each location and their needs.

Over the next couple of weeks keep an eye out on our social media, website and your email inbox for our workshop locations and times, as well as when we will be hosting some open online workshops too. Please get in touch if you want to know more! 

Join a movement of young people making a difference in their communities and come along to a Term 1 workshop!


Recruiting people for SADD


An interview with Akshara.