A day in the life of Ti, Team Administrator

SADD’s resident millennial, Ti Fuller, has kindly agreed to be featured on the blog this week! She shares with us a little about what it’s like to be Team Administrator and what a day in her shoes looks like.


Hi there! My name is Ti Fuller, and I am the Team Administrator for Students Against Dangerous Driving.

What are my main responsibilities?

My role involves a lot of administrative support, so I always try and stay on top of my emails to make sure I’m aware of what’s going on each day and get those resource orders out to you as quick as possible. I think it is important to be someone that can be relied upon not only to take of day-to-day jobs, but someone that is there to assist the team across the board, ensuring smooth sailing and a happy work environment.

What is my favourite thing about working at SADD?

I would say my job is rewarding because I genuinely am passionate about what I do, so going to work every day isn’t a chore. I love being surrounded by fun, interesting and hardworking people. It really motivates me to work hard for the team as there is a real sense of “we’re all in this together”. It is really satisfying when I feel like I have made a difference to the organisation by completing tasks that I know will make someone else’s day just that little bit easier.


What is my daily routine like?

I generally try to get up at 6.30am but when that inevitably fails… I have a succession of alarms timed at 5-minute intervals from 7am to 7.30am. What can I say I am not a morning person! Depending on how successful I was at waking up on time, I will either walk or bus to work.

My days vary but I typically spend the morning checking of my emails for any “need to do ASAP” items. Once those are under control its usually time for the days first cup of tea from Roger, our Fundraising and Engagement Manager.

The rest of the day is spent tackling my giant to do list, from arranging invoicing, making travel arrangements for our delivery leads and finally cracking the code to upgrading our Windows programme!

After countless cups of teas, answering emails and trying to make a dent in my ongoing to do list. I take advantage of everyday with nice weather and walk home, makes for great people watching.

There really isn’t a “typical day” for me. Every day is different! SADD is always growing and changing as an organisation for a start. I joined the team 4 months ago so everyday I’m learning and experiencing new things. It would be easiest to say I assist with whatever the day brings!


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A Big Thanks!


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