Catching up with Ben, from Gore High School

This week Ben answered some of Lydia's questions about SADD, leadership and the classic Cats vs Dogs dilemma!


Hey Ben, thanks for chatting to me and agreeing to being on the blog, tell us a bit about yourself! Hi! My name is Ben and I am one of the Heads of SADD for Gore High School 2020, I am 17 and am in my final year (Year 13) of Gore High.

What is your favourite subject at school and why? My favourite subject at school is currently Drama, even though it is classed as a study.

Oh cool, Drama is heaps of fun! Tell us why you decided to get involved with SADD?I got involved with SADD during Year 12 as an extracurricular activity and as a way to learn about road safety and the dangers surrounding drivers.

I think that is a great point about getting involved with SADD to learn about road safety because it’s important that young people know that you don't have to know everything about road safety before you join SADD. So, give us your tips for getting your licence? Go for it! I spent 4 months putting off getting my learners originally and ended up finishing the test after five minutes. If you feel confident about going for your licence then go ahead, nothing can stop you.

Glad that you managed to get it, nice work! What is something you are proud of yourself for doing? Going for my licence in the first place, I spent way too long putting it off and making excuses about my licence before applying. In the end I passed the test with no issue but I wish that I would have applied sooner.

That is a good encouragement to all of us to do the things that we are putting off. How about you tell us what you think makes a good leader? I think that communication and confidence are both key features that make a good leader, if you can’t communicate with your team then how are you supposed to work with them?

Nice advice, those are both super important qualities, so you go to school in Gore, what is that like and what Road Safety issues do you find for yourself and your peers? School here is typical compared to other schools, though we do have SADD currently running the afterball for the students in years 12 and 13. Concerning road safety I think an issue is students on their restricted taking passengers around town without regarding proper safety.

Last question: Cats or Dogs and why?Cats they’re the best and any other opinions on this are wrong (Just kidding), I have two cats at home myself that are simply couch potatoes.

Thanks for the chat Ben (via email haha)! It’s been great to hear from you :) 


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