Exam time

Exam time is upon us and our SADD staff team want to say a massive good luck to all of you preparing for and sitting exams. It has been a hectic year and we encourage you to do your absolute best and put your best foot forward, but also remember to be kind to yourself and not put insane amounts of pressure on yourself!

For some of you exams are probably a breeze and you might even thrive off studying for them, for others they are stressful and hard so know that we are thinking of you all, and remember to check in with how your mates are doing. 

Hopefully your schools give you some helpful studying prep but we thought we would use this week’s blog to pop up a few handy hints going forward, so have a look through and see what works for you. ‘All Right’ is an awesome organisation that looks out for people’s wellbeing and they have some great simple exam tips, so here they are! You can also check out their website, or follow them on social media for lots of feel good and helpful content. https://www.allright.org.nz/

Another great tip is studying is to get really organised with your time, and there are a number of good study timer techniques. Doing short-ish bursts of study, then having a quick break and building towards a longer break can help keep you on track, and keep you focused for a whole day. There are some great websites or apps to help with that, Tomato Timer is one that we know people find helpful. https://tomato-timer.com/ 

Try to not compare yourself to others and don’t underestimate the power of your own self-talk! Everyone is different and it’s important to figure out what study style works best for you. It sounds cheesy but try to give yourself lots of positive affirmation about your study and exams. 


Get fresh air each day, and most of all give it YOUR best, and if you’re feeling really stressed and/or anxious make sure you have a yarn to someone you trust.  

We have been really proud seeing students manage to study for exams and keep the road safety conversation going in their schools, that has been awesome to see! 


Term Four Fun


Legacy building: What might be useful for next year's SADD group to know?