July 21’ NLP event Re-cap

It was a busy school holidays for SADD, as our year 13 National Leaders met in two groups, for two awesome NLP events. One group hung out in Christchurch during the first week, and the second group in Wellington during the second week. We wished we could have gotten them all together, but due to scheduling running two events was the only way we could get the most of them involved. Both events went amazingly, and our SADD team was as always left so inspired by the caliber of young leaders NZ has to offer. Read on below to see what some of them had to say about the event!

Toby - “These past few days have been such a good learning experience. The help and support from the team makes the event worthwhile, leading to extra innovation within the planning stages for our NLP projects. It has been extremely beneficial to work with, and alongside the other yr13 National Leaders.”

Ash - “Over the term 2 holidays the year 13 NLPs had our second and last NLP event. I attended the Christchurch event with a few familiar faces as well as a few people I hadn't meet yet. Over the 3 days we were there we covered a lot; from public speaking and leadership skills, to project management and sustainability, to nearly buying a whole jar full of fortune cookies because I didn't like what my first one said. During the event, we had a really wide range of discussions, learning, consulting and creating. We worked on our own skills, built on ideas, worked on things left to us from past NL’s, and worked on things we can give to the new ones. We also had the opportunity to work with FENZ again, who alongside hosting us also participated in the workshop and let us observe some volunteer firefighter training. A huge and essential part of the NLP program is the people, this has also been a continuous highlight for me across all NLP events. This event, just like the first gave me the opportunity to get to know a whole new group of awesome people, and when you're together almost 24/7 for 3 days you tend to bond fast. All this and more is why I'm sure all the year 13 NL’s will greatly miss these events, and I think I can speak for all of us when I say a few tears were shed after we all went home. However, I can also say I can't wait to see the new NL’s in their element at these events later on this year, and next year.”

Issy - “The past couple of days have been an amazing experience. The other National Leaders I was lucky enough to work with have been amazing and all have brilliant ideas that contribute to SADD and road safety. The work and projects we worked on have also been really worthwhile. One of my favourites was getting to welcome the new Yr 12 National Leaders by making a video for them. Overall, it has been a really worthwhile experience and will miss being with everyone on the team.”

Jess - “With the mess of last year I was stoked to be able to finally attend a NLP workshop with many other leaders from around NZ! I haven't been to Christchurch in years so it was such a cool experience to travel there and meet up with local firefighters at their training base. It surpassed all expectations in leadership training, personal development, and encouragement/opportunities to get involved in our communities. I feel inspired and supported in my goals for spreading SADD's mission and making NZ's roads safer. Most importantly, I feel much more connected with my National Leaders and our common goals. It was a really emotional time when it was time to part ways because we had become so close in those 3 days. Thank you to all who made this event so amazing.”

Bianca - “It has been an amazing past few days surrounded by other empowering people. Being able to share our projects and experiences with each other and gather feedback has been incredibly valuable for our lifelong passion.”

Yi Tao - “I’ve loved my time with the National Leaders up here in Wellington! It’s a bit of a shame that we weren’t ALL together, but I felt like I really connected with the Leaders I did get to work with. I especially enjoyed the course about transformative leadership, since I felt that it could be really useful in both my SADD group and future. I’d really recommend people that are thinking about leadership in their future and have a passion for road safety to really consider applying for the role of National Leader; It’s absolutely one of the best experiences you’ll ever experience.”

Carlin - “Already considered a highlight of my year, the NLP event this year was full of fun, educational, and informative information. When you have such a cool team to work with, the passion and enthusiasm is contagious, as well as the knowledge and expertise we all receive from each other. I find myself saying “even if we change one person's mind, it’s all worthwhile” and by witnessing what has folded out over the past couple days makes me realise we have the ability to change many, many minds. We’re only just getting started.”

Our SADD staff team are very proud of our National Leaders and how they are making a difference in New Zealand’s road safety culture, what an inspirational bunch of people. We also know that there are hundreds more of you young leaders out there, making a difference in your schools and communities, and know that we see the work you do!


Get to know Reet and Nicole - Two of the SADD leaders at Mount Albert Grammar School (MAGS)


Introducing our new Year 12 National Leaders!