Are you wondering how you can stay involved with SADD, connect with other young people and put your hand to some epic projects and challenges - all from the comfort of your own home? Join the SADD Digital Crew!


Times have rapidly changed and we have all recently been thrust into a life of social distancing and isolation. We’re gutted to have to cancel our conferences and any workshops or school visits for the foreseeable future. But while we can't be there in person to support you with activities and projects, we can instead do it digitally! The SADD Digital Crew is a brand new channel we have created to provide the opportunity to connect with other students from all around New Zealand and work on things together. The SADD Digital Crew is a dedicated space where you can continue your awesome work with SADD, connect with other fantastic young minds and take on a cool project or two in the name of SADD and youth wellbeing.


So why join?

  • Connect with other students from all around NZ, and the SADD team

  • Provide support and motivation to others during this time, share self-isolation tips and tricks, create fun activities and share on our platform

  • Give your feedback and have your say on projects that are on the go

  • Help create resources and activities for SADD that students will use in the future

  • Google hangouts and chats, bit of banter

  • Create content for the website, social media and blogs

  • Help to encourage and inspire other students

  • Have fun with cool challenges and quizzes

I’m keen! How do I sign up?

Click the button below to let us know you’re keen and we’ll get you set up with all the info for accessing our digital classroom. Please note, you will need a Gmail account to join.