Promoting Your SADD Group.
Here you will find activities designed to raise awareness of your SADD group and bring attention to your group
SADD Promo Video
Use our Promo Video to advertise SADD in your school or community!
Check out this helpful blog with lots of ways you can utilise this video.
Starter Pack
Compile and give students a pack full of free resources from SADD and other organisations. These are great to do before the School Ball to remind students to drive safe!
Poster Drop
Order free posters from our website and put them up around the school! You could also ask to have a permanent display.
Hold a sausage sizzle or bake sale to raise money for your SADD committee and to raise awareness about safe driving in the community. Quiz nights are also a lot of fun.
Survey Your School/Community
Find out the honest thoughts of those in your area and what issues they see. This will make for a great starting point for a SADD group.
A survey could help also your group gather helpful information for many other activities and events, it can help you to know that you are focusing on the right things for your community.