October 21' NLP event Recap
If you have been around SADD for a while you will know that we usually have something exciting happening in the school holidays, and the ones just been were no different. This past week during the second week of the holidays we had our Year 12 National Leadership Programme workshop. This year things were slightly different as we held one workshop in-person in Christchurch, and one simultaneously online for those that could not attend in person.
The workshop was packed full of a whole bunch of different sessions that hopefully give our National Leaders some valuable input in their own personal development, as well as giving them opportunities to contribute to SADD on an organisational level, and have their say! It is always so encouraging for the SADD staff and other community partners who attend to be around such passionate young leaders who want to make positive changes in their communities, and for their peers. You will see some of the work they contributed to over the coming months on our website and various social media channels. SADD is passionate about staying true to our kaupapa of being student-led, and our National Leaders are a vital part of this.
“I would say that the workshop was very worthwhile. I learnt a lot about collaboration and working as a team, as well as how to run SADD events and all the different resources that can be used. I built connections with other national leaders that will be useful when running events and gathering ideas in the near future. The workshop was perfect in terms of balancing learning, creating, and having a good time.”
“Since Auckland was in lockdown, I had the pleasure of being able to attend the NLP workshop online. I got to meet two amazing girls; Maddie and Hayley, and together we learnt about different styles of leadership and how we can collaborate with different people including our local Fire departments and Police. We made some memes, which in my opinion were pretty good. The NLP workshop was such an amazing experience and I absolutely enjoyed every second of it. A special shout-out to Mia, who went above and beyond to make the content interactive and entertaining, even online! ”
“The event was amazing and it taught me a lot about what SADD does, as well as who SADD works with. It helped me to understand the part I have to play and gave me an opportunity to give back to my community. ”
“A highlight for me was the leadership insights, thanks to the NLP online workshop I learnt valuable leadership and team-building skills, the difference between leadership and management, and different leadership styles.”
Not only was it a productive workshop, but it was also a whole lot of fun too! Check out some more photos of the event below, and if you are in Year 12 in 2022, have a think about if you would like to apply to be a part of this awesome programme.